Thursday, November 09, 2006


Leo has been a very trying day for my newly aquired patience(aquired coz mine is always on a very short leashe). Mistake numero uno!!!!! i let my housmate/pain in the neck talk me into waiting for her bad bad idea, i have never seen a person change clothes so many times yet still find fault with what they decide to wear in the end. So i got to work 20 minutes late and there i was working on showing up on time, damn.

Get into my tiny cubicle sit and viola paper work the size to give me a mild heart attack, my manager walks in and say's some thing to the likes of "most of this was supposed to have gone to head office on monday." I try very hard not to ask what i was to do with that little info she just handed over, but tongue in cheek i just nod and hope she gets hit with the worst luck this side of hell.

What to do work on this or the assignment that is half way done shyt!!!!! i work on my assignment, lenga lunch and now i have so many paper cuts on my hands they feel sore.

my shift is over now, i have to head over to class, i wonder what the stuck up proff is going to say today?

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